The area designated for the South Buda Central Hospital is currently undeveloped and adjacent to a single-family residential zone.

The planned infrastructural developments, in particular the construction of the two transport interchanges and the 2x2 lane connecting road, and in the longer term the connection with the Mouse Road and the planned Galvani Bridge, represent a large-scale urban intervention that will radically change the future environment of the DBC.

In the design of the hospital's surroundings, it is essential to counteract the disturbing effects of the motorway and the Balaton road. To this end, the landscaping and afforestation planned on the boundaries of the area will significantly reduce the noise and dust generated by traffic.

A representative square with a water feature and paved surfaces of a size to cater for the significant pedestrian and waiting traffic will be located in front of the main entrance of the complex on Dobogó Street. The façade plane is visually accentuated by an ornamental cherry tree with intensive flowering. Between the access road and the building, the hospital garden is created, a terraced garden area for strolling and relaxing.

The entire roof surface is designed as an extensive or intensive roof garden. It will house the playground of the hospital nursery and crèche, and an active recreational garden area on the same level.

The basic requirement for the garden design is that the majority of the pedestrian paths should be accessible. The entrance area will have an intensive design and the side and rear green areas will have an ecological appearance.


Design competition
- 1st prize

Client: Állami Egészségügyi Ellátó Központ

Lead designer: M-Teampannon Kft.

Size: 156 000 m2

Hasonló munkák